Monday, March 19, 2012


I've made this blog public, but only people added as authors are able to make posts and comment so we don't have to worry about any weirdos leaving posts or anything. If having your writing out in the open make you feel uncomfortable, just let me know and I will definitely see if you can make some posts private or just make the blog private if we can't get that worked out.
In the post after this I am going to go ahead and post the prompts that I posted today in the Facebook group and then I'll comment with the Pantoum that I wrote from it. I think that if you're posting something related to a prompt then it would make sense to post it in a comment beneath the prompt, and if you're posting a free-write or part of a piece that you've been working on then you can publish a new post just for you with that bit of writing in it.
Like I said, I'm not sure what we're really going to do with this but I hope that it works out! It seems like it is pretty easy to use. I mean, I've had a blogger since I was 13 and it doesn't seem to have changed all that much since then. If you have trouble navigating the site just let me know and I'll try to help you out.
And again, in order to post or comment I need your email to add you as an author or you can't do anything other than read the posts that the rest of us put up.

P.S. If any of you are wondering about my username, it is from when I was 15 and it's from a You, Me, and Everyone We Know song that I am inserting below this.

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